HVAC Thermostat

When to Use Your HVAC Thermostat’s Fan Mode in Portales, NM

November 21, 2023

Your thermostat serves as the brains of your home’s HVAC system. While you probably already know about using the thermostat’s heating and cooling modes, the fan mode is another powerful tool that many homeowners in Portales, NM, often overlook. Knowing how and when to use your HVAC thermostat’s fan mode allows you to maximize your system’s effectiveness and efficiency.

When It’s Comfortable Outside

While it’s normal for wintertime temperatures to drop below freezing in Portales, NM, the area also has some very mild temperatures throughout the year. When the temperature outside is comfortable, it presents a great opportunity for you to use your HVAC thermostat’s fan mode. The fan still pulls outside air into your home, but allows you to give your HVAC system a break, resulting in greater system efficiency.

Improving Indoor Air Quality

Studies indicate it’s common for the air inside your home to have more pollutants than the air outside. This is especially troubling when you realize how much time you spend inside breathing the air in your home. Fortunately, your HVAC thermostat’s fan mode is a powerful indoor air quality tool.

When you clean, vacuum or perform any task that stirs up dust, consider turning your thermostat’s fan on. Doing so helps filter some of the pollutants in the air, allowing you to breathe easier.

Balancing Your Home’s Temperatures

In ideal situations, your HVAC system provides even, balanced airflow throughout your home. This results in consistent temperatures in every room. However, there are plenty of causes for hot and cold spots, many of which require professional repair.

You can also use your thermostat’s fan mode to combat uneven temperatures. Since turning your fan on pulls air into your home, it’s a useful tool for providing warm or cool air to areas of your home that lack consistent temperature control. While it’s not a long-term solution, it allows you to remain comfortable until you get the issue resolved.

Using all of the HVAC tools you have, including your thermostat’s fan mode, keeps you comfortable all year long. Contact the team at I.T.S. Refrigeration & Heating, Inc. today to find out more about our HVAC services.

Image provided by iStock

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