Your furnace should warm your home in Portales, NM. You can run into quite a bit of trouble this winter if you notice it pushing cool air into your home instead. Here are a few reasons cool air may have started coming out of your furnace:
Clogged Filters
If your furnace cannot effectively circulate warm air into your home, it’ll impact your comfort. Over time, as dust and other debris accumulate on your furnace’s air filter, they restrict airflow. As less warm air leaves your furnace, the system may overheat and shut down, leading it to expel cool air.
Blocked Condensate Drain Line
As your furnace burns gas and creates hot air, it produces some water vapor. The system needs to have a way to remove this excess moisture, which is why it has a condensate drain line extending from its heat exchanger. If debris gets into the drain line and blocks the condensate from flowing away, your furnace’s functionality may decline.
For example, blockages can cause water damage to your furnace or prevent it from sustaining the proper level of airflow, which may cause it to shut down and cease expelling hot air. This is why it’s important to schedule maintenance for your furnace at least once per year.
Malfunctioning Thermostat
Your furnace may be circulating cool air into your home even if there’s nothing directly wrong with it. Instead, it may be that your thermostat is sending your furnace incorrect signals. It may also be older or have dead batteries.
Stopping or preventing a furnace issue is essential to staying warm this winter. Call I.T.S. Refrigeration & Heating, Inc. to schedule our expert furnace repair services for your home in Portales, NM, today.
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